New York Oversize Permit, Wide and Heavy Haul Information

Legal Maximums Legal Dimensions Info Icon
Length 636" 53' 0"
- Total 84" 7' 0"
- Front 36" 3' 0"
- Back 48" 4' 0"
Width 102" 8' 6"
Height 162" 13' 6"
Weight80,000 lbs.
Permit Maximums Permit Dimensions Info Icon
Length 1920" 160' 0"
Width 192" 16' 0"
Height 168" 14' 0"
Weight200,000 lbs.
Pilot Car Needed Pilot Dimensions Info Icon
Length 960" 80' 0"
- Total 240" 20' 0"
- Front 120" 10' 0"
- Back 120" 10' 0"
Width 144" 12' 0"
Height 168" 14' 0"
Weight200,000 lbs.


  • All oversized loads must display proper warning signs, visibility flags, and specialized lighting to alert other motorists of potential hazards.
  • Special requirements apply to wider vehicles including farm equipment, with additional safety measures required during limited visibility conditions.
  • Certified escort vehicles are mandatory for certain oversized loads, with strict compliance requirements enforced through substantial penalties.

Operating Hours, Restricted Travel, and Holiday Restrictions

In New York, vehicles with oversize permits on the Thruway system have specific holiday travel restrictions and office closures. The following restrictions apply:

Holiday Travel Restrictions:

  • New Year’s Day: Thruway offices closed. Oversize travel allowed.
  • Dr. Martin Luther King Day: Thruway offices closed. Manufactured/Modular homes over 14’0″ in width prohibited. All other oversize travel allowed.
  • Washington’s Birthday/Presidents Day: Thruway offices open. Manufactured/Modular homes over 14’0″ in width prohibited. All other oversize travel allowed.
  • Memorial Day Weekend: No oversize travel allowed from 12 Noon Friday until half hour before sunrise Tuesday following the holiday. Thruway offices closed on Memorial Day.
  • Juneteenth: Thruway offices closed. Oversize travel allowed.
  • Independence Day Weekend: No oversize travel allowed from 12 Noon Thursday before the holiday until half hour before sunrise Monday following the holiday. Thruway offices closed on Independence Day.
  • Labor Day Weekend: No oversize travel allowed from 12 Noon Friday until half hour before sunrise Tuesday following the holiday. Thruway offices closed on Labor Day.
  • Columbus Day: Thruway offices open. Manufactured/Modular homes over 14’0″ in width prohibited. All other oversize travel allowed.
  • Veteran’s Day: Thruway offices closed. Oversize travel allowed.
  • Thanksgiving: No oversize travel allowed from 12 Noon Wednesday before the holiday until half hour before sunrise Friday after the holiday. Thruway offices closed on Thanksgiving Day.
  • Christmas: No oversize travel allowed from 12 Noon on the day before Christmas until half hour before sunrise on the day after Christmas. Thruway offices closed on Christmas Day.

Signs, Flags, Lights, and Escort Requirements

Signs, flags, and lights may be required when moving oversize loads or superloads for the safety of other drivers and roadway users.


All oversized loads in New York require an “Oversize Load” sign on the front and back ends of the vehicle. These signs must be clearly visible to other motorists.


  • Standard oversized loads: All load extremities require red or orange fluorescent flags not smaller than 18 inches square.
  • Overhangs exceeding 4 feet: Require flags on staff at the end of load.
  • Farm vehicles between 12-17 feet wide: Red or orange fluorescent flags not smaller than 18 inches square must be placed on the extreme corners of the load.
  • Night operations: During nighttime, flags may be replaced with amber warning lights on the front and red warning lights on the rear.


  • All lights need to be on for high, wide, and overlength loads.
  • High or wide loads: At least one amber light is required that can be seen at a 360-degree radius.
  • Loads 10 feet wide or more: Require two yellow flashing lights.
  • Farm vehicles between 12-17 feet wide: Two flashing amber lights that comply with NY DOT regulations must be attached to the rear of the load. If the hauling vehicle has visible hazard lights, these can be used instead.

Escort Vehicles

  • Required for vehicles extending beyond the center line or operating in conditions with limited visibility (rain, snow, fog, etc. with visibility less than 1,000 feet).
  • Escort vehicles must be operated by individuals with a valid escort certificate issued by the commissioner.
  • Escort vehicles must be equipped with warning signs and flashing lights in compliance with regulations set by the commissioner of transportation.
  • The operator must comply with rules regarding operation, use, and equipment of escort vehicles.
  • Violations of escort vehicle regulations can result in certificate cancellation and penalties up to $500 for first violations and up to $1,000 for subsequent violations.

Night Operation Requirements

  • When visibility is limited due to weather or darkness, additional safety measures including escort vehicles with warning signs and flashing lights are required.
  • This applies specifically to vehicles extending beyond the centerline of a highway or when operating during times of insufficient visibility.

Obtaining a Permit

Special hauling permits can be obtained from the Department of Transportation or local authorities for vehicles exceeding weight or dimension limits at or by calling 518-457-1155.

Annual permits are available for certain vehicle types with specific fee structures:

  • $360 for vehicles with less than five axles
  • $750 for vehicles with five or six axles
  • $900 for vehicles with seven or more axles

Annual permits for specific regions (including Westchester, Rockland, Nassau, Suffolk, Putnam, Orange and Dutchess counties) have different fee structures:

  • $480 for vehicles with less than five axles
  • $1,000 for vehicles with five or more axles

Seasonal agricultural permits are available for four consecutive months at half the annual permit fee.

Partnering with a Logistics Company

Transporting oversize and overweight loads through New York requires strict adherence to state regulations and permit requirements. By understanding the operating hours, restricted travel times, signage, and permit application process, you can ensure safe and legal transport. If you are interested in streamlining the oversize permit process in New York, consider partnering with a modular logistics company like Stream. Contact our experts to ensure a seamless wide and heavy haul experience for your project. 

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Stream Logistics is a transportation logistics company specializing exclusively in High Stakes Freight® , or freight where there is significant risk in moving your product. We help you transport freight when there are projects with timelines and delivery sequences, shipments with high complexity, and shipments with unique constraints.