Oklahoma Oversize Permit, Wide and Heavy Haul Information

Legal Maximums Legal Dimensions Info Icon
Length 714" 59' 6"
- Total 84" 7' 0"
- Front 36" 3' 0"
- Back 48" 4' 0"
Width 102" 8' 6"
Height 162" 13' 6"
Weight80,000 lbs.
Permit Maximums Permit Dimensions Info Icon
Length 1320" 110' 0"
Width 192" 16' 0"
Height N/A N/A
Weight151,000 lbs.
Pilot Car Needed Pilot Dimensions Info Icon
Length 960" 80' 0"
- Total N/A N/A
- Front N/A N/A
- Back N/A N/A
Width 144" 12' 0"
Height 188" 15' 8"


  • Oklahoma issues both single-trip and annual permits through the Department of Transportation for oversize/overweight loads, with specific requirements based on load dimensions and weight.
  • Safety requirements include proper signage (yellow “Oversize Load” signs), red or orange warning flags at all extremities, and amber warning lights for safe transport of oversized vehicles.
  • Escort vehicles are required based on load dimensions, with specific configurations for different widths, heights, and lengths to ensure safe passage on Oklahoma highways.

Operating Hours, Restricted Travel, and Holiday Restrictions

Overweight only can have continuous travel. Oversized movement is limited to Daylight hours only with travel 30 minutes before sunrise and 30 minutes after sunset.

Oversize loads are not permitted on the Interstate System in the counties of Cleveland, Oklahoma and Tulsa, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. (Central Time), Monday – Friday.

No permit travel is allowed on major holidays, including:

  • New Year’s Day 
  • Memorial Day
  • Fourth of July
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day

Loads up to 9 feet 6 inches wide are permitted without requiring a Pike Pass. Loads over 9 feet 6 inches wide up to 11 feet 6 inches wide (and up to 13 feet 6 inches wide on Cherokee Turnpike only) need a Pike Pass reference number for permitting. The maximum weight for the turnpikes is 108,000 lbs. Weight is paid for on the state permit, and the turnpike does not charge extra above the usual per axle charge.

Signs, Flags, and Lights Requirements

Signs, flags, and lights may be required when moving oversize loads or superloads for the safety of others on the road.


All oversize vehicles and loads must display regulation “Oversize Load” signs on the front of the towing vehicle and the rear of the load or towed vehicle.

  • Signs must have a yellow background with black lettering.
  • Signs must be at least 5 feet long and 14 inches high.
  • Letters must be legible from at least 50 feet away and at least 8 inches high with 1-1/8 inch wide brush stroke.
  • Sign wording must state “Oversize Load” or “Wide Load”.
  • Signs must be made of durable material.
  • Signs must not be displayed on vehicles of legal dimensions.


All overwidth and overlength vehicles and loads must be marked by warning flags.

  • Loads overhanging the rear by 4 feet or more must be marked by warning flags.
  • Flags must be solid red or fluorescent orange.
  • Flags must be at least 18 inches by 18 inches.
  • Flags must be placed at the four corners of the vehicle or load and on any extremities:
    • Two flags at front corners/extremities of the overwidth vehicle/load
    • Two flags at rear corners/extremities of the overwidth vehicle/load
    • One flag at the extreme rear of load if the overhang is 2 feet wide or less
    • Two flags at the rear corners if the overhang is more than 2 feet wide
    • Flags must mark any side extremity wider than the front or rear


Escort vehicles must be equipped with one AAMVA-approved rotating or flashing amber beacon or flashing amber light bar on top.

  • Lights must be visible from 500 feet in normal sunlight.
  • Headlights of both the transport vehicle and escort vehicles must be illuminated at all times during movement.
  • Blue, red, or white rotating lights are not authorized.


Any vehicle or combination of vehicles with an outside width that exceeds twelve (12) feet operating on highways in the state, including the National System of Interstate and Defense Highways, must be accompanied by an escort vehicle or vehicles.

Loads over 12 feet wide but not more than 14 feet wide require:

  • Front escort on two-lane highways
  • Rear escort on multi-lane highways

Loads over 14 feet wide require:

  • Two escorts (front and rear) on two-lane highways
  • Rear escort on multi-lane highways

Loads over 16 feet wide require two escorts (front and rear) on all roads. Loads with overall height of 15’9″ or more require two escorts (front and rear). Vehicles over 80 feet in length require front escort on two-lane highways. Vehicles over 100 feet in length require two escorts (front and rear) on two-lane highways.

Escort Vehicle Equipment Requirements

  • Red flags on 45-degree angle standards mounted on cab
  • Outside mirror on each side
  • Two-way radio compatible with the escorted vehicle
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Flares or reflectors
  • “Oversize Load” sign
  • Height measuring pole for loads 15’9″ or taller
  • Safety clothing for traffic control
  • Flashlight with D cell batteries
  • Spare tire

Obtaining a Permit

The Oklahoma Department of Transportation issues both single trip and annual permits for oversized and/or overweight vehicles that cannot reasonably be dismantled. These permits must remain in the vehicle during transport.

Annual Permits

Annual vehicle permits are available for:

  • Standard oversize/overweight loads (up to 12′ wide, 14′ high, 110′ long, 120,000 lbs)
  • Wind turbine blades (may exceed 110′ length)
  • Electric utility poles (for electric utilities and rural electric cooperatives)
  • Portable buildings (specific requirements apply)

Annual permit fees range from $500 to $4,000 depending on the permit type and are non-refundable.

Overhang Restrictions

Loads operating under standard annual permits cannot exceed:

  • 25-foot front overhang
  • 30-foot rear overhang

How to Apply

Permits can be ordered through the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety website at https://oklahoma.gov/dps.ht or by calling 1-405-521-6060.

Partnering with a Logistics Company

Transporting oversize and overweight loads through Oklahoma requires strict adherence to state regulations and permit requirements. By understanding the operating hours, restricted travel times, signage, and permit application process, you can ensure safe and legal transport. If you are interested in streamlining the oversize permit process in Oklahoma, consider partnering with a modular logistics company like Stream. Contact our experts to ensure a seamless wide and heavy haul experience for your project.

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Stream Logistics is a transportation logistics company specializing exclusively in High Stakes Freight® , or freight where there is significant risk in moving your product. We help you transport freight when there are projects with timelines and delivery sequences, shipments with high complexity, and shipments with unique constraints.