- Size-based restrictions apply to different highway types, with stricter requirements as dimensions increase beyond legal limits (8’6″ width, 14’0″ height), often requiring multiple pilot vehicles for loads over specific thresholds.
- Time restrictions limit oversize load movement during rush hours in urban areas, on weekends during summer months, and during major holidays, with complete restriction periods surrounding all major holidays.
- Weather and road condition restrictions prohibit oversize load movement during hazardous conditions including ice, snow, limited visibility (under 500 feet), or excessive winds that could affect load stability.
Operating Hours, Restricted Travel, and Holiday Restrictions
In Oregon, specific travel requirements apply to oversize loads based on dimensions, routes, and time of year:
Regular Hours
- One-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset, seven days a week
- Night travel permitted for loads up to 10 feet wide on green routes and up to 12 feet wide on Interstates
Summer Restrictions (Memorial Day to Labor Day)
- Most overwidth loads only permitted until noon on Saturdays
- Prohibited on Sundays, with exceptions for loads under 14 feet wide
Urban Area Restrictions
- Loads over 12 feet wide cannot travel from 7-9 am and 3-6 pm in:
- Portland
- Eugene
- Salem
- Medford
- Grants Pass
- Non-interstate highways
- I-5 between exits 24 and 33 in Medford
Holiday Travel Restrictions
OAR Division 82 and 75 — Non-Divisible Loads and Mobile/Modular Units:
- When holiday falls on Monday: Restricted from 12 p.m. Friday until half-hour before sunrise Tuesday
- When holiday falls on Friday: Restricted from 12 p.m. Thursday until half-hour before sunrise Monday
- Other holidays: Restricted from 12 p.m. on day preceding holiday until half-hour before sunrise day after
- Thanksgiving: Restricted from 12 p.m. Wednesday before until half-hour before sunrise Monday after
OAR Division 74 — Triples:
- When holiday falls on Monday: Restricted from 4 p.m. Friday until sunrise Tuesday
- When holiday falls on Friday: Restricted from 4 p.m. Thursday until sunrise Monday
- Other holidays: Restricted from 4 p.m. day preceding holiday until 12:01 a.m. day after
- Thanksgiving: Restricted from 12 p.m. Wednesday before until sunrise Monday after
OAR Division 78 — Long Logs/Poles/Piling:
- When over 105 feet: Restricted from 2 p.m. business day preceding holiday through sunrise next business day
- Thanksgiving: Restricted from 12 p.m. Wednesday before until sunrise Monday after
- Summer restrictions: No movement during daylight hours Saturday afternoons and Sundays between Memorial Day and Labor Day
OAR Division 76 — Towed Disabled Vehicles:
- Restricted from 2 p.m. business day preceding holiday through half-hour before sunrise day after
- Thanksgiving: Restricted from 12 p.m. Wednesday before until half-hour before sunrise Monday after
Weather Restrictions for Overwidth Loads
Movement exceeding 8 feet 6 inches in width is prohibited:
- When road surfaces are hazardous due to ice, snow, or frost
- When visibility is less than 500 feet due to atmospheric conditions
- When wind conditions cause excessive swaying, weaving, or tip-over risk
- When ODOT places signs indicating travel is hazardous
Exception: Modular building units with solid sides or with non-tearable, cross-laminated polyethylene coverings are exempt from wind restrictions unless signs restricting oversize loads are displayed.
Signs, Flags, Lights, and Escort Requirements
Signs, flags, and lights may be required when moving oversize loads or superloads for the safety of others on the road.
- Vehicles over 80 feet long and wide loads must display “OVERSIZE LOAD” signs on front and rear
- Signs must be 7 feet wide by 18 inches high with black letters 10 inches high on highway yellow background
- Signs must be reflective for night travel
- Alternative “WIDE LOAD” signs allowed for loads exceeding 8’6″ width but 80′ or less in length
- “LONG LOAD” signs allowed for loads exceeding 80′ length but not width
- Overwidth loads must be marked at outermost extremities with red/fluorescent orange flags (18 inches square)
- Loads extending beyond the rear of vehicle by 4 feet or more require flags at outermost extremity
- Flag attachment devices must not extend more than 3 inches beyond the load extremity
- Night travel requires lamps or marker lights on all extremities
- End load lights required when visibility is less than 500 feet
- Loads wider than 10 feet on two-lane highways or 12 feet on multi-lane highways must have amber warning lights unless accompanied by at least two pilot vehicles
- Mobile/modular units exceeding 8’6″ in width require two flashing amber lights on rear corners
Pilot Vehicles
Interstate and Multilane Highways:
- Up to 16 feet wide: Follow requirements on permit attachments 82A and 75A
- 16 feet 1 inch to 18-20 feet: Two rear pilot vehicles, or one front and one rear pilot vehicle
- Over 18-20 feet: Case-by-case District approval (minimum one front and two rear pilot vehicles)
Two-Lane Highways (based on Route Map 2 color coding):
- Green Routes:
- Up to 16 feet: Follow permit attachments
- Over 16 feet: District approval required (minimum one front, one rear pilot)
- Purple Routes:
- Up to 14 feet: Follow permit attachments
- Over 14 feet: District approval required (minimum one front, one rear pilot)
- Red Routes:
- Up to 12 feet: Follow permit attachments
- Over 12 feet: District approval required (minimum two front, one rear pilot)
Pilot Vehicle Equipment Requirements:
- Warning signs mounted above roofline (5 feet wide by 10 inches high with black letters on yellow background)
- Warning flags (two 18-inch square red flags on 3-foot staffs)
- Eight safety flares or reflectors
- Warning lights mounted above cab roof (two flashing amber lights, revolving amber light, or amber strobe light)
- Two-way radio communication with oversize vehicle
Obtaining a Permit
All single trip permits for oversize and overweight loads are valid for a total of 10 days. These permits must be in possession when entering the state.
Apply for both Annual and Single Trip Permits on Oregon Trucking Online.
Partnering with a Logistics Company
Transporting oversize and overweight loads through Oregon requires strict adherence to state regulations and permit requirements. By understanding the operating hours, restricted travel times, signage, and permit application process, you can ensure safe and legal transport. If you are interested in streamlining the oversize permit process in Oregon, consider partnering with a modular logistics company like Stream. Contact our experts to ensure a seamless wide and heavy haul experience for your project.
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Stream Logistics is a transportation logistics company specializing exclusively in High Stakes Freight® , or freight where there is significant risk in moving your product. We help you transport freight when there are projects with timelines and delivery sequences, shipments with high complexity, and shipments with unique constraints.