South Carolina Oversize Permit, Wide and Heavy Haul Information

Legal Maximums Legal Dimensions Info Icon
Length 636" 53' 0"
- Total 60" 5' 0"
- Front N/A N/A
- Back N/A N/A
Width 102" 8' 6"
Height 162" 13' 6"
Weight80,000 lbs.
Permit Maximums Permit Dimensions Info Icon
Length 1500" 125' 0"
Width 192" 16' 0"
Height 192" 16' 0"
Weight130,000 lbs.
Pilot Car Needed Pilot Dimensions Info Icon
Length N/A N/A
- Total 120" 10' 0"
- Front N/A N/A
- Back 120" 10' 0"
Width 144" 12' 0"
Height N/A N/A


  • South Carolina enforces strict operating hours for oversize vehicles, with no Sunday travel and specific holiday restrictions, and requires various visual markers including signs, flags, and lights based on load dimensions.
  • Pilot vehicle requirements in South Carolina escalate with increasing load dimensions, requiring one front escort for loads 12-14 feet wide, front and rear escorts for loads 14-16 feet wide, and three escorts including police for loads exceeding 16 feet wide.
  • Permits in South Carolina are valid for seven days, with different options available for single and multiple trips, and special documentation requirements for loads exceeding 180,000 pounds.

Operating Hours, Restricted Travel, and Holiday Restrictions

In South Carolina, oversize vehicle travel is not permitted on Sundays unless otherwise specified. Additionally, oversized loads should only be on the road between 30 minutes after sunrise to 30 minutes before sunset, Monday through Saturday.

No travel is allowed on New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas or from 12:00 noon the day before a holiday until 12:00 noon the day after each holiday (not including Sunday).

For loads over 12 feet wide up to 15 feet wide, travel is restricted near large urban areas between 7:00-9:00 AM and 3:00-6:00 PM on school days, and 4:30-6:00 PM on non-school days. Loads over 15 feet wide up to 16 feet wide must only travel between 9:00 AM-3:00 PM on school days and 9:00 AM-4:00 PM on other days.

Routes between I-95 and the Myrtle Beach area are prohibited on Friday and Saturday from Memorial Day through Labor Day.

Overweight-only loads not exceeding 130,000 pounds that can maintain traffic flow speed may be granted continuous travel permission upon request.

Travel Restrictions During Inclement Weather

In the event of inclement weather during winter months, the permit office may be closed per the Governor’s instructions for state offices in the Richland and Lexington County area. Operators should visit the South Carolina road conditions page to find out the condition of the roads in each county they may be traveling in or to.

In the event of a national or state emergency, a special oversize and/or overweight permit may be required. Always check with the South Carolina Department of Transportation for current emergency declarations that may affect your travel.

Signs, Flags, Lights, and Escort Requirements

For most oversized shipments, you will need any required equipment, including signs, flags, and lights to increase the vehicle’s visibility.


On all loads and mobile homes 12 feet wide or wider, the permittee shall provide signs on the front and rear of the load reading “WIDE LOAD” or “OVERSIZE LOAD” with letters 12 inches high and at least 1 1/2 inches wide. These signs should be made of large, legible black letters on a bright yellow background, and should be at a proper height for visibility.


On all loads and mobile homes 12 feet wide or wider, red flags must be displayed at each outer four corners of the load. Any motor vehicle having a load or vehicle component which extends beyond the sides more than 4 inches or 4 feet or more beyond the rear shall have the extremities of the load marked with a red flag, not less than 12 inches square.


For loads between 12 feet and 14 feet wide, a single amber-colored strobe light is required at the vehicle’s rear. If the load is larger than 14 feet, there must be a rotating amber light on each corner of the shipment. These lights must be visible from 360 degrees at a distance of no less than 500 feet.

Pilot Vehicles

Width: From 12 feet to 14 feet in width will require 1 front pilot car (escort vehicle) on 2-lane roads. From 14 feet to 16 feet in width will require 1 front and 1 rear pilot car (escort vehicle) on all roads in the state. If your shipment is over 16 feet in width, you will be required to have 3 pilot cars (escort vehicles): 1 front, 1 rear, and 1 police escort in the rear.

You must always have a pilot car with you if you are over 16 feet in height. Count on a complete route survey for shipments over 16 feet in height, and remember that clearance must be at least 6 inches more than the height of your load.

For overhang: If you have less than 15 feet of overhang, you can typically use flagging or amber lighting instead of a rear pilot car. Anything over 15 feet of overhang will require a pilot car.

Pilot cars must have the proper banner/sign stating “OVERSIZE LOAD” or “WIDE LOAD” displayed prominently on the top of the vehicle, in front of lead vehicles, or rear of chase vehicles. They must have a flashing or strobing amber light on the top of the vehicle that is visible from 360 degrees from a distance of no less than 500 feet. They must also have a CB radio or 2-way communication device and communicate with all drivers working on your shipment.

Obtaining a Permit

The South Carolina Department of Transportation’s Oversize/Overweight Permit (OSOW) office issues permits for vehicles and loads that exceed legal size and/or weight limits. Permits can be obtained by mail, phone, or online.

Contact Information

  • Phone: (877) 349-7190 (Toll Free)
  • Local: (803) 737-OSOW or (803) 737-6769
  • Fax: (803) 737-2199
  • After Hours Emergencies: (803) 206-9566

Permit Types

Single trip permits are issued for one-time transportation of an oversize load. These permits are valid for 7 days and are specific to the load, route, and date of travel.

Multiple Trip (Annual) Permits may travel all US, SC, and Interstate routes (unless posted for load) with maximum dimensions defined in regulations. Travel on secondary routes is prohibited; an additional route-specific permit must be obtained from the permit office when traveling on secondary roads.For more information, contact the South Carolina Department of Transportation at 803-737-6769 or visit their website at

Partnering with a Logistics Company

Transporting oversize and overweight loads through South Carolina requires strict adherence to state regulations and permit requirements. By understanding the operating hours, restricted travel times, signage, and permit application process, you can ensure safe and legal transport. If you are interested in streamlining the oversize permit process in South Carolina, consider partnering with a modular logistics company like Stream. Contact our experts to ensure a seamless wide and heavy haul experience for your project.

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Stream Logistics is a transportation logistics company specializing exclusively in High Stakes Freight® , or freight where there is significant risk in moving your product. We help you transport freight when there are projects with timelines and delivery sequences, shipments with high complexity, and shipments with unique constraints.